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Kurs za visceralne hirurge u Gracu

Drage kolegenice i kolege visceralni hirurzi,
Profesor Selman Uraneus iz Graca mi je poslao pismo u kome nudi mesta za dva visceralna hirurga iz Srbije po umanjenoj ceni za učešće na kursu koji se od 22-23. septembra održava u Gracu. Prijavu možete poslati meni ili direktno na i.prassl@medunigraz.at do 30. avgust 2014.g. Klikom na link pogledajte Program i pismo Prof. Uraneus-a.
S poštovanjem
Prof. Milorad Mitković


Dear Prof. Mitkovic,
I would like to focus your attention on our Definitive Surgical Trauma Course (DSTC®), which is certified by the International Association of Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC) and will be held under the auspices of the European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES) and the Medical University of Graz. Trauma surgery is always dramatic, mainly because of blood loss. So an urgent initial task of the trauma surgeon is to identify and deal with the source or sources of serious bleeding to achieve quick and effective hemostasis. The best way for surgeons to learn
how to cope with these critical situations is to give them an opportunity to learn and practice skills and techniques for dealing with bleeding in a hands-on setting such as we provide.
Valuable as they are, such workshops are very cost intensive and only with the support of the allied industries are we able to offer them at an affordable cost for the participants.
Thanks to the generosity of one of our sponsors, we are able to give our sister societies in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia the opportunity to nominate up to two candidates each for a place in the workshop for the very reduced rate of 500 euros. The rest will be covered by the sponsor company. As the number of places we can offer under these conditions is limited, they will be filled on a first-come,
first-served basis. If your society would like to nominate a maximum two surgeons for a place in the workshop,please send their names and contact data to: i.prassl@medunigraz.at at your earliest convenience, or by August 31, 2014 at the very
Thank you for your attention and looking forward to seeing some promising visceral trauma surgeons from our sister societies in Graz in September.

Selman Uranues, MD, FACS
Professor of Surgery
Course Director

Program kursa

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Škola Mitković - Jovana Ristića 38, 18000 Niš, Srbija - Tel/fax: 018 531 444, 063 40 66 13
e-mail: mitkovic@gmail.com